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In Review
43) Peers MJL, Monk E, Hendrix JG, Kusch J, Majchrzak YN, Newediuk L, Boutin S, Boonstra R, Vander Wal E. Submitted. Female mass and cycle phase alter offspring size variation in a cyclic mammal.
42) Jung TS*, Peers MJL*, Edwards PD, Schmiegelow FKA, Boonstra R. In Review.
Assessing the influence of human hunting on stress and diet quality of a threatened
boreal ungulate. *Senior authorship jointly shared
41) Kennah JL, Peers MJL, Balluffi-Fry J, Richmond IC, Vander Wal E. In Review. Foraging
decisions of snowshoe hares in response to experimentally induced coat-colour mismatch.
40) Peers MJL, Newediuk L, Boyle SP, Hendrix JG, Kennah JL, Majchrzak YN, Robitaille AL,
Boutin S, Boonstra R, Krebs CJ, Vander Wal E. In Review. Seasonal timing and maternal
condition influence the costs of reproduction in a cyclic species.
39) Boudreau MR, Ellison N, Potts JR, Peers MJL, Majchrzak YN, Serieys L, Willmers C,
Börger L, Street GM. In Review. Home Range Asymptotes: A look at the consequences
of an opening temporal window in home range estimation. 
38) Ballufi-Fry J, Majchrzak YN, Peers MJL, Studd EK, Menzies AK, Horne L, Monk E,
Humeniuk N, Jung TS, Boonstra R, Murray DL, Boutin S. In Press. Why does home
range size decrease with population density. Ecology.
37) Miller HS, Peers MJL, Jung TS. In Press. Weekend warriors: contrasting temporal
patterns in the harvest of three species of boreal ungulates. Wildlife Biology.
36) Miller HS, Peers MJL, Jung TS. 2024. Snow depth influences harvest of a boreal
ungulate more than socio-economic factors: implications for food security in a changing
climate. Science of the Total Environment 912: 169095.
35) Shiratsuru S, Studd EK, Majchrzak YN, Peers MJL, Menzies AK, Derbyshire R, Jung TS,
Humphries MM, Krebs CJ, Murray DL, Boonstra R, Boutin S. 2023. When death comes:
Linking predator-prey activity patterns to timing of mortality to understand predation risk.
Proceedings B 290: 20230661. (Cover Article)
34) Oli MK, Kenney AJ, Boonstra R, Boutin S, Murray DL, Peers MJL, Gilbert BS, Jung TS,
Chaudhary V, Hines JE, Krebs CJ. 2023. Does coat colour influence survival? A test in
a cyclic population of snowshoe hares. Proceedings B 290: 20221421.
33) Jung TS, Peers MJL, Drummond R, Taylor S. 2023. Dinning with a glutton: interactions at a carcass between lynx (Lynx canadensis) and wolverine (Gulo gulo). Ecosphere 14: e4491.
32) Bouchard E, Sharma R, Hernández-Ortiz A, Jung TS, Harms NJ, Willier CN, Boonstra R, Majchrzak YN, Peers MJL, Gouin G-G, Al-Adhami B, Simon A, Leighton P, Jenkins EJ. 2023. Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) as potential reservoirs and sentinels of Toxoplasma gondii in northern Canada. Zoonotic Diseases 3: 6-17.
31) Kennah JL, Peers MJL, Vander Wal E, Majchrzak YN, Menzies AK, Studd EK, Boonstra R, Humphries MM, Jung TS, Kenney AJ, Krebs CJ, Boutin S. 2023. Coat colour mismatch improves survival of a keystone boreal herbivore: energetic advantages exceed lost camouflage. Ecology 104: e3882.
30) Studd EK, Peers MJL, Menzies AK, Derbyshire R, Majchrzak YN, Seguin J, Dantzer B, Lane JE, Murray DL, McAdam AG, Humphries MM, Boutin S. 2022. Behavioural adjustments of predators and prey to wind speed in the boreal forest. Oecologia 200: 349-358.
29) Majchrzak YN, Peers MJL, Studd EK, Menzies AK, Walker PD, Shiratsuru S, McCaw LK,
Boonstra R, Humphries M, Jung TS, Kenney AJ, Krebs CJ, Murray DL, Boutin S. 2022. Balancing
food acquisition and predation risk drives demographic changes in snowshoe hare population
cycles. Ecology Letters 25: 981-991.
28) Majchrzak YN, Menzies AK, Peers MJL, Studd EK, Doran-Myers D, Boonstra R, Boutin S.
2022. A simple method for marking individual animals in motion-triggered camera studies.
Mammalian Biology 102: 841–845.
27) Peers MJL, Majchrzak YN, Studd EK, Menzies AK, Kukka PM, Konkolics SM, Boonstra R, 
Boutin S, Jung TS. 2021. Evaluation of gum-line recession for aging lynx (Lynx canadensis).
Wildlife Society Bulletin 45: 706-710.
26) Shiratsuru S, Majchrzak YN, Peers MJL, Studd EK, Menzies AK, Derbyshire R, Humphries
MM, Krebs CJ, Murray DL, Boutin S. 2021. Food availability and long-term predation risk
interactively affect antipredator response. Ecology 102: e03456.
25) Peers MJL, Reimer JR, Majchrzak YN, Menzies AK, Studd EK, Boonstra R, Kenney AJ,
Krebs CJ, O’Donoghue M, Boutin S. 2021. Contribution of late-litter juveniles to the population
dynamics of snowshoe hares. Oecologia 195: 949-957.
24) Peers MJL, Konkolics SM, Majchrzak YN, Menzies AK, Studd EK, Boonstra R, Boutin S,
Lamb CT. 2021. Vertebrate scavenging dynamics differ between carnivore and herbivore
carcasses in the northern boreal forest.​ Ecosphere 12: e03691.
23) Peers MJL, Majchrzak YN, Menzies AK, Studd EK, Bastille-Rousseau G, Boonstra R,
Humphries M, Jung TS, Kenney AJ, Krebs CJ, Murray DL, Boutin S. 2020. Climate change
increases predation risk for a keystone species of the boreal forest. Nature Climate Change
10: 1149-1153.
22) Menzies AK, Studd EK, Majchrzak YN, Peers MJL, Boutin S, Dantzer BJ, Lane JE, McAdam AG, Humphries MM. 2020. Body temperature, heart rate, and activity patterns of two boreal homeotherms in winter: homeostasis, allostasis, and ecological coexistence. Functional Ecology 34: 2292-2301.
21) Neilson EW, Lamb CT, Peers MJL, Majchrzak YN, Konkolics SM, Doran-Myers D, Garland L, Martinig AR, Boutin S. 2020. There’s a storm a-coming: Ecological resilience and resistance to extreme weather events. Ecology & Evolution 10: 12147-12156.
20) Peers MJL, Konkolics SM, Lamb CT, Majchrzak YN, Menzies AK, Studd EK, Boonstra R, Kenney AJ, Krebs CJ, Martinig AR, McCulloch B, Silva J, Garland L, Boutin S. 2020. Prey availability and ambient temperature influence carrion persistence in the boreal forest. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 2156-2167. (Cover Article)
19) Jung TS, Kukka PM, Peers MJL, Schmiegelow FKA, Boonstra R, Boutin S, Majchrzak YN. 2020. Error rates in the reported sex of lynx (Lynx canadensis) and wolverine (Gulo gulo): implications for analyses of harvest records.​ European Journal of Wildlife Research 66: 52.
18) Lavergne SG*, Peers MJL*, Mastromonaco G, Majchrzak YN, Nair A, Boutin S, Boonstra R. 2020. Hair cortisol as a reliable indicator of stress physiology in the snowshoe hare: influence of body region, sex, season, and predator-prey population dynamics.​ General and Comparative Endocrinology 294: 113471. (Cover Article) *Senior authorship jointly shared
17) Ferreira C, Hossie TJ, Jenkins D, Wehtje M, Austin C, Boudreau M, Chan K, Clement A,  Hrynyk M, Longhi J, MacFarlane S, Majchrzak YN, Otis JA, Peers MJL, Rae J, Seguin J, Walker S, Watt C, Munday A, Murray DL. 2019. The Recovery illusion: What is delaying the rescue of imperiled species? BioScience 69: 1028-1034.
16) Studd EK, Boudreau M, Majchrzak YN, Menzies AK, Peers MJL, Seguin J, Lavergne S, Boonstra R, Murray D, Boutin S, Humphries M. 2019. Use of acceleration and acoustics to classify behaviour and evaluate responses to moonlight in free-ranging snowshoe hares. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: a154.
15) Jung TS, Konkolics SM, Kukka PM, Majchrzak YN, Menzies AK, Oakley MP, Peers MJL, Studd EK. 2019. Short-term effect of helicopter-based capture on movements of a social ungulate. Journal of Wildlife Management 83: 830-837. *All authors contributed equally
14) Peers MJL, Majchrzak YN, Konkolics SM, Boonstra R, Boutin S. 2018. Scavenging by snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) in the Yukon, Canada. Northwestern Naturalist 99: 232-235.
13) Peers MJL, Majchrzak YN, Neilson E, Lamb CT, Hämäläinen A, Haines JA, Garland L, Doran-Myers D, Broadley K, Boonstra R, Boutin S. 2018. Quantifying fear effects on prey demography in nature. Ecology 99: 1716-1723.
12) Bastille-Rousseau G, Schaefer JA, Lewis KP, Peers MJL, Ellington EH, Mumma MA, Rayl ND, Mahoney SP, Murray DL. 2018. Climate change can alter predator-prey dynamics and population viability of prey. Oecologia 186: 141-150. 
11) Peers MJL. 2017. InfoNorth Essay: Predicting the fitness effects of climate change on snowshoe hares. Arctic 70: 430-434. (Cover Article)
10) Peers MJL & Boutin S. 2017. Northern hawk owl (Surnia ulula) scavenges and defends a lynx (Lynx canadensis) carcass in winter. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129: 875-878.
9) Murray DL*, Peers MJL*, Majchrzak YN, Wehtje M, Ferreira C, Pickles RSA, Row JR, Thornton DH. 2017. Continental divide: Predicting climate-mediated fragmentation and biodiversity loss in the boreal forest. PLoS ONE 12: e0176706.
* Senior authorship jointly shared
8) Feldman RE, Peers MJL, Pickles RSA, Thornton DH, Murray DL. 2017. Forecasting potential climate-driven host-switching for moose (Alces alces L.) and caribou (Rangifer tarandus L.) macroparasites in North America. Global Ecol. and Conservation 9: 1-10.
7) Peers MJL, Thornton DH, Majchrzak YN, Bastille-Rousseau G, Murray DL. 2016. De-extinction potential under climate change: extensive mismatch between historic and future habitat suitability for three candidate birds. Biological Conservation 197: 164-170.


6) Bastille-Rousseau G, Rayl ND, Ellington EH, Schaefer JA, Peers MJL, Mumma MA, Mahoney SP, Murray DL. 2016. Population and individual variation in niche overlap, encounter, and mortality among incidental predators and a common prey. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94: 191-198.

5) Ferreira C, Bastille-Rousseau G, Bennett AM, Ellington EH, Terwissen CV, Austin C, Borlestean A, Boudreau MR, Chan K, Forsythe A, Hossie T, Longhi J, Otis JA, Peers MJL, Rae JM, Seguin J, Watt C, Wehtje M, Murray DL. 2016. The evolution of peer review as a basis for publication in ecology: directional selection towards a robust discipline? Biological Reviews 91: 597-610.

  • Check out the post publication review 

4) Murray DL, Majchrzak YN, Peers MJL, Wehtje M, Ferreira C, Pickles RSA, Row JR, Thornton DH. 2015. Potential pitfalls of private initiatives in conservation planning: A case  study from Canada's boreal forest. Biological Conservation 192: 174-180.

3) Peers MJL, Wehtje M, Thornton DH, Murray DL. 2014. Prey switching as a means of enhancing persistence in predators at the trailing southern edge. Global Change Biology 20: 1126-1135. (Cover Article)

2) Peers MJL, Thornton DH, Murray DL. 2013. Evidence for large-scale effects of competition: niche displacement in Canada lynx and bobcat. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280: 20132495. (Cover Article)

1) Peers MJL, Thornton DH, Murray DL. 2012. Reconsidering the specialist-generalist paradigm in niche breadth dynamics: resource gradient selection by Canada lynx and bobcat. PLoS ONE 7: e51488.

Book Chapters 

Thornton DH & Peers MJL. 2020. Species distribution modelling. In: Murray DL and Sandercock BK, editors. Population ecology in practice. Wiley Blackwell.


© 2015 by Michael J L Peers

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